2D Array Explained Using Matrix

2D Array Explained

Let's create an array that has 2 dimensions like a matrix.

Now let's give it some elements.

Let's say int matrix[5][5] = {

4, 6, 25, 88, 5,
34, 5, 300, 4, 65,
78, 43, 11, 90, 125,
98, 585, 12, 63, 21,
45, 35, 9, 5, 1


Now, we will see how to access the elements in the array. To do that we need to use nested for loop.

Let's initialize two values i and j. 
int i,j;   // Here i represents row and j represents column.

That means when i=0 and j=0, it gets the first element from the matrix i.e 4 and when i=0 and j=1 it gets second element 6 and so on... 

Now let's write whole C code to access the elements inside the array matrix.


int main()
    int i,j,sum;
    int array[5][5]={
            4, 6, 25, 88, 5,
            34, 5, 300, 4, 65,
            78, 43, 11, 90, 125,
            98, 585, 12, 63, 21,
            45, 35, 9, 5, 1
    for(i=0; i<5;i++)  //There are 5 rows
        for(j=0;j<5;j++)  //There are 5 columns
            printf("%d\n"" ",array[i][j]); 


When you run it, i gets the value 0 and j also gets 0 and prints array[0][0] i.e 4.  It runs again but this time  i gets 0 and j=1 because it returns to second for loop and gets the value array[0][1] i.e 6 and so on.


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